Welcome to Aldo Coppola Uzbekistan! 

In 1964, in the very heart of Italy, a network of exquisite beauty centers Aldo Coppola arose, which has now conquered more than a hundred cities around the world, including the noble Tashkent. 


Legacy of Innovation 

The brand's founder, Aldo Coppola, is an unrivaled innovator in the world of hairdressing. His innovative methods changed the field once and for all. 
He was the first to abandon harmful chemical oxidizers, using henna with genius - a natural dye that not only gives hair an exquisite shade, but also strengthens it.  
Aldo Coppola's signature coloring method allowed clients to forget about the problem of overgrown roots. It was he who created and patented the famous Shatush coloring technique, which creates the effect of a natural, radiant shine. 
Within the walls of Aldo Coppola you will find: 

  • The best masters; 
  • Wide range of services; 
  • Exceptional service; 
  • Personalized programs; 
  • Effective use of time. 

Let highly qualified hairdressers create a unique look for you, giving your hair a luxurious shine and giving you unshakable confidence in your irresistibility!